Professor Kittipong Kittiyarak
Executive Director, Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ)
The vision of the TIJ is to be a promoter of change in the enhancement of the justice system and the integration of the rule of law into sustainable development frameworks in Thailand, the ASEAN region, and internationally through research, capacity-building and policy advocacy activities. Building on Thailand’s engagement in the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and the UN Crime Congresses, the TIJ serves as a bridge that transfers global norms to local practice focusing on cross-cutting issues including the interconnection between the rule of law and sustainable development, peace and security. The TIJ primarily seeks to promote criminal justice system reform through the implementation of international standards and norms related to vulnerable groups in contact with the justice system while promoting coordination among domestic justice constituencies and strengthening regional cooperation, particularly within the ASEAN region. One of the core beliefs of TIJ concerns the importance of investing in human resources and in the practical knowledge base on the rule of law, since the TIJ recognizes that the rule of law and an effective and fair criminal justice system are integral components needed in order to secure inclusive economic growth, the protection of human rights, and sustainable development.