Teeradetch Tungsubutra
August 30, 2018Mr. Teeradetch Tungsubutra is a 48-year old SOE’s (State-owned Enterprise’s) employee. He has been with the organization for 7 years and currently is holding a position at the Executive Vice President level (has been for 4 years). Prior to this employment, he has been with a few large private firms outside Thailand – and had held positions in all the continents, working in both developed and developing (or underdeveloped) countries. From his experience – moving from one place to another- he could notice the difference among the citizen’s adherences to/ or willingness to comply with the policies issued by the authorities of these countries. He personally thinks that this (the aforementioned difference) is the key factor attributing to the differences in their national economic/social development. As a senior executive of one of the largest SOEs (PTT Public Company Limited), he could be in a position to contribute to the society through policies; whether as a law-abiding citizen of as an influencer to the issuance of a policy, particularly an energy-related one.