Chawaluck Sivayathorn
August 30, 2018Ms. Sivayathorn holds a Master of Laws in International Business Law from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. She is the Head of Capital Market and a Partner at Thanathip & Partners Legal Counsellors Ltd. She has one particular concern about the national legal frameworks in that certain laws may have worked in the past, however prove to be counterproductive to other national goals—whether in increasing the ease of doing business, boosting the level of competition in industries, or improving the knowhow of businesses. She notes that law practitioners like herself need to be more forward-looking in their inputs, especially because the pace of change in business has quickened and the ability to give inputs on future implications will be crucial. Ultimately, the rule of law resolves dilemmas in business, but it is the effective integration of the different practices, intentions, and implications that will reach the most effective resolution. Businesses have a tremendous role in improving society, Ms. Araneta feels, and those who support the growth of fair, equitable, and rules-driven business will contribute significantly to this end.