Kritsada Boonchai
May 14, 2019Dr.Boonchai has been a researcher specialized in environment, natural resource management and sustainable development issues for over 20 years. He is currently a researcher of Contemporary Peasant Society Research Unit, Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. He also serves as a manager of Local Development Institute (LDI). The institute mainly focuses its activities in areas of Civil Society Strengthening, Environmental Rehabilitation, Community Business Development, and Advocacy Policy Research Activity. Dr.Boonchai is also a Sub-committee of community rights on natural resources, National Human Right Committee and an Internal Evaluator of Food Security Program at BioThai Foundation. Dr. Boonchai completed his Doctorate degree in Political Science, a Master of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology, and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication from Thammasat University, Thailand.