Thisana Thitisakdiskul
May 14, 2019Ms.Thitisakdiskul, a social entrepreneur and startup founder, is currently a CEO and co-founder of Noburo, the mobile application that helps blue-collar workers get out of debt burden and loan sharks through financial advisory together with financial support (lending benefit). She is also a CEO of ITTP Co., Ltd.; aiming to help small businesses and low-income borrowers better access loans and regain their healthy financial status by fair credit and financial education. Ms. Thitisakdiskul is also a co-founder of “Light me up project”. This project has been set up since 2013 by a team of passionate and smart people across various backgrounds from doctors to engineers. They help design and install solar power systems for unelectrified schools in Thailand and provide outside classroom education which fits to the need of the school such as health and hygiene, career development as well as saving environment. Ms.Thitisakdiskul completed her M.Eng in Technology Management for Innovation from the University of Tokyo and a Bachelor of Computer Software Engineering from Kasetsart University, Thailand.